The 80's Generation

Growing up in the 80's was a fun time. Just like teenagers before and after us, we had our own unique generational style. We loved our big hair, parachute pants, and our MTV. We lived for Friday nights and cruising town, just being teenagers on the verge of freedom.

Well now that we are all middle aged adults we can look back at our lives in the 80's and realize that while some things may change, others will always remain the same. Although we cannot go back in time and change some of the choices we made as kids, we can share some of the experiences we have had about hard learned life lessons.
Now, for a look back in time at all the things that made the 80's unique: the hair, the clothes, the music, the movies, and the people....80's Style.

What one thing would you change or do over if you could re-live your senior year?....   


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