Summertime in the 80's

Just like all kids throughout the decades summertime was meant for fun. Hanging out by the pool with friends, cruising town, and of course we were all looking for that right gal or guy to date....
Those were definitely the days when the most technology most of us even knew about was playing War or Pac Man on an Atari. When we wanted to talk to friends we used a corded, not a cordless phone and we didn't have cell phones. If we wanted to talk to friends we actually talked or made plans face-to-face.

Advice for Teens: Get outside and spend time with friends goofing off and hanging out. Don't spend all of your spare time watching TV, playing video games, or texting and playing on the internet. Get out and make fun memories that will last a lifetime, many with great stories that you may (or may not) want to share with your own kids someday.

What's your favorite summertime memory while growing up as a teen in the 80's?....

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